Thursday, May 20, 2021

Set SMART goals to get ahead in your career.

Set SMART goals to get ahead in your career.

Where would you like to be in one year? In five years? What experiences will help you achieve that? What interests and skills would you like to use in your career? Setting a career goal is about deciding where you want to head in your career, and identifying the smaller steps needed to reach that goal.

What are examples of common career goals?

  1. Increase professional knowledge and training. This is a common goal for many people who are looking for work or those who have a job. Some ways to increase training are taking a college class, going to a workshop offered by an employer, or getting a certification.
  2. Increase salary. Being underpaid often makes people less interested in their work. Making changes to earn more money increases excitement for most jobs, and motivates a job search.
  3. Improve a difficult process or relationship. This goal area can make the daily work experience more positive and rewarding.
  4. Have new experiences. Whether volunteering in your community or at work, joining a professional association to meet new people in your field, or introducing yourself to people you never talk with, new experiences create interest in your career.
  5. Be a leader. Many people feel their biggest goal is to lead in their career or organization. Establishing the steps to achieve a leadership role makes it possible.

How to set goals

To help you write effective goals, try the SMART system for each career goal. Each letter in the word represents an important part of your goal.

Specific – Make a specific, clear focus for your goal or steps. For example, “make ten job search calls after the conference in April” is much more specific than “make some networking connections.”

Measurable – To see if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as: how much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? These questions usually focus on something that can be counted, for example, time, people, or specific things.

Attainable – Goals are attainable, or possible, when steps are planned clearly and allow enough time. How do you plan to complete your goal? Which actions follow on other actions? Is the goal realistic from your starting point? It should be a challenge, but also achievable.

Relevant – A relevant goal is one that really matters to you and is important. Is it worth the effort? Is this the right time? Does your goal relate to other efforts or timelines? Does it require resources or things that are currently available?

Timely - A goal should be set within a certain time period to be clear and to keep you focused on the goal. When do you want to begin? When do you want to complete each step?

Tips to reach your goal

  • Write down the steps. Write down your career goal and the steps to get there. This will help you remember and achieve each step. Put your list where you will see it often.
  • Set deadlines. Give yourself a date to complete your goals. Write the date when you actually finish each step.
  • Reward yourself. Taking steps toward goals is hard work. Think of small rewards to give yourself when you complete any step, to help you stay motivated.
  • Have a goal partner. Find someone to help you: a friend, co-worker, a job coach, or someone else. Discuss your goals, and meet with them when you complete steps. If possible, do the same for your partner!


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