Saturday, June 12, 2021



USA or US for the United States of America

 service or servant leadership for other people

peak or pique 
Is it peak or pique your interest?

The traditional idiom is to pique one's interest, with pique meaning “to provoke or arouse.” Like perk, however, peaked can also make sense in context. Peak means “to bring to a maximum value or intensity,” and this is certainly what one might mean when saying, “my interest was peaked.”

profession is an occupation that involves specialised training and a formal qualification before one is allowed to practice or work. In other occupations this isn't the case. In many cases, for example, people learn on the job, watching somebody else gradually being shown what to do, and we would call this sort of approach a craft. When we talk about the body of people who make up the profession, or the occupation, we often give it a label: the legal profession, the medical profession, the engineering profession and so forth. Professions and members of professions often have significant responsibility, for other people and resources.

How are you? I'm fine. Doing good! Great! Never better! Not bad! Simply peachy! Out of this world! Unbelievably well! Can't complain. 

Hi Mary, or Hi Mr. Smith to Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Ms. Smith, Dear Sir or Madam 

Bye or Take care or Goodbye to Sincerely or Yours sincerely

So, thank you very much indeed, for agreeing to do the whole course, but for allowing us to have these kind of conversations.
Sure, you're welcome. It's been a pleasure.

 "How long have you been in practice?"

you will be assessing their essays at a later date
COIK. clear only if known  写的只有知道此事的人看得懂 写的只有知道此事的人看得懂

remediation  補救   補課 補習
preferential treatment  优惠待遇
Speak off the cuff 脫口而出

Prior to having mobile phones, everyone depended on landlines
The impact of America’s Great Depression in the 1930s greatly affected businesses and families.

atomistic and somehow inchoate 初期的 or incoherent understanding.

regionalism. In Australia, they say trolley, and in the United States, we say cart. 
In England, they say biscuit, and in the United States, we say cracker. Crisps instead of potato chips.

socio-cultural context and cue's. 

Heady stuff  头痛的事情

Do you know how or when it is appropriate to cut someone off?

Cogent 令人信服的 response to a task

Requests for clarification and elaboration (to request clarification or elaboration) , waiting to respond and taking mental notes, focusing your attention through repeat viewings, watching online talks or television shows, and using Cornell notes. Suspending or holding off on interrupting is sometimes a useful language learning strategy.

  • please hold all questions until the end
  • What do you mean by that
  • I would love to know more about that
  • excuse me I didn't understand what you meant there
  • you say that again
we look forward to seeing you again very soon.

there's often a storm just underneath the surface.
My very elderly mother just sat upon new paint. (Mercury, Venus,Earth, Mars, just,Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

Multiple Meanings and confused words

detractors 诋毁者;批评者 vs. distractors 分心物.

Say the words out loud and pay attention to the word stress, because word stress can change that word's meaning. For example, produce is a verb, which means make. But produce refers to things that are grown by farming.  [accent]

Sound Volume vs. solid volume
volume. Most often when you say volume, children in primary school might think it refers to the sound in a Walkman

Current:  中国学生做不出来是current 不明白的用法。Answer: A
flow,stream,undercurrent,tide,flux  电流;趋势;水流;气流
adj.present,existing,in progress,recent,up-to-date 现在的;现行的;通用的;现在有效的
current situation.   currency 货币

Schools 學校  

Tuition 学费  

Living expense  生活费

Non-service scholarship: Fellowship 助学金, Scholarship, Tuition & Fee Waiver

Service Assistantship: 付出劳动  10-12 hours/per week Teaching Assistant TA 助教, Research Assistant RA 助研

Loan 貸款

Need-based; Merit-based;

Need-blind 录取时不考虑学生是否需要资助,按学生情况做出资助

Community colleges offer associates degrees, whereas universities offer bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees.

The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)

TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

AA or AAS, which is associate of arts or associates of applied science. These are two year degrees from community colleges and technical schools. B.A. or B.S., Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. These are typically four year degrees from a college or a university. M.A. or M.S., Master of Arts or Master of Science. These are graduate level degrees from a university. M.B.A., Master of Business Administration. This is a graduate degree in business from a university. And five is PhD. A doctorate degree is the highest level degree from a university.

Dean's List awards go to students who received very high grades at the end of the academic year.

Study 學習

That stage-fright feeling is called the affective filter,

Monitor, monitoring refers to correction of your own speech for accuracy and pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and appropriateness. A learner who pays attention to both form and meaning is often the best language learner.

non-native English speakers

modeled examples  示范

can be nerve-wracking

whiteboard: a white plastic board in a classroom that a teacher writes on with ink that can be washed off  白黑板

widely held assumption

content and language integrated learning. Referred to as CLIL. 

CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) 

extracurricular, meaning more than (extra) the curriculum (academics). 


Appeal means to be very interesting or attractive.
1. 上诉;申诉a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or a decision to be changed
2. 吸引力;感染力;魅力a quality that makes sb/sth attractive or interesting

an informed media literate consumer.

captions: the descriptions under each of the pictures. vs. subtitle  字幕
red tape 〈贬〉繁文缛节;原指扎文件的红带 , bureaucracy.

a core value, a core belie, fundamental principles

A commercial (电台或电视播放的)广告 is an advertisement played on the radio or television.

A jingle 短曲 is a short song used in advertising to discuss a product or company.

facade: a false appearance or way of behaving that hides what someone or something is really like

French fries:  fried potatoes  炸薯条. but French is the style, the cut. Very thin is called French style, that's why Americans call them French fries.

equality, equity

Homogenous, Homogenous  (two pronunciation ) 

home country

spin: Commonly associated with political public relations,  spin can be characterized as presenting an issue in a perspective most favorable to a given point of view

Credential stuffing is a type of cyberattack in which stolen account credentials, typically consisting of lists of usernames and/or email addresses and the corresponding passwords, are used to gain unauthorized access to user accounts through large-scale automated login requests directed against a web application.

user(s) – n. a person or thing that uses something  

Information that spreads very quickly through social media is called viral.

LOL: laughing out loud

SMH  shaking my head.

YOLO: you only live once  (less popular)

FOMO: fear of missing out (more popular)

Since advertising fees are pegged to audience size 价格等固定于某水平(或与…挂钩)

We noticed an excessive hike in the price of smartphone plans. (价格、花费等的)大幅度提高

Am I in the right place?

prime the pump.

“present by staying in the present?: When you present content, be sure to do so in a lively, engaging manner that draws students in and motivates them to learn more.

extemporaneous or impromptu speech 脱口而出的


Haiku: The first line has five syllables. The second line has seven syllables. And the third line is like the first, it has five syllables. Let's read two haiku that use gerunds as adjectives. 

The hound chased the fox, breathing, flexing, and baring his teeth to his prey. 

The boy saw the girl smiling, staring, and batting her eyes just for him.


Hello, who is this?  [First, there is an introduction.]

>> It's Justin Timberlake. 
Justin, nice to hear from you again. What can I do for you [Second, a request for information]
>> I just wanted to hear your voice. 

Justin, that is very nice. Is there anything else?
>> Yes, I need to know your birthday. I would like to give you a gift. 

Justin, that is so sweet of you. My birthday is the 20th of December. [Third, a display of information.]

>> I hope you like flowers. 
I sure do. See you at your next concert. [And fourth, closing remarks.]

>> I will have tickets for you, like always.


The Art and Teaching of Language by Francois Gouin, considered a predecessor of Charles Berlitz, who revolutionized language learning in his day.

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