Saturday, June 12, 2021

Job & Business Glossary

A prospective employer will want to know about your transferable skills, qualifications, past work experiences, and goals.

resumes or CVs (curriculum vitae) 简历;(大学教师求职用的)工作履历

I just completed my master degree in chemistry

practical, action-orientated knowledge

Dear Ms. Smith, I was very interested to read your advertisement for the position of receptionist in the Seattle Herald dated May 6th 2011. I would like to be considered for this job.

Hi Mary, or Hi Mr. Smith to Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Ms. Smith, Dear Sir or Madam 

Bye or Take care or Goodbye to Sincerely or Yours sincerely

 "How long have you been in practice?"


"What Color Is Your Parachute?" The book offers helpful information on how to figure out the skills you have. These skills will lead you to the job you want.

Job U: How to Find Wealth and Success by Developing the Skills Companies Actually Need by Nicholas Wyman

Qualifications or Requirements 
Qualified means having the minimum requirements to do a job, a university degree, a license or a certification 

clerical means relating to working in an office.
low-skilled jobs


  • An occupation is a person's work as a way to earn money.
  • career is an occupation or a profession that requires special training and continues over a long period of time.
  • Employment is a general term for the activity that people do to make money.

  • To apply for a job is to formally ask for employment, usually in writing.
This means completing a specific job application or sending a documents like a resume and cover letter. We will talk more about these later in units two and three.
  • To interview for a job is to answer question in a formal meeting.
  • To be hired for a job, is to be given a job and then paid for the work.
  • To work is to do an activity related to one's occupation.

  • A job seeker is someone who is looking for a job.
  • After a person applies for a job they become a candidate or an applicant which is a person who might get the job.
  • An employer is the person making the decision to give the applicant a job.
  • When a candidate is hired and begins working, he is then called an employee. Employee is a more formal word for worker.

job seekers
mutual friends, or acquaintances
The employer is called the interviewer and is the person asking the questions.
The job seeker is called the interviewee

Small talks

how are you? 
How's your family doing? 
Did your youngest start school yet?
how was your weekend? 
Did you do anything fun or interesting?
What restaurants would you recommend for lunch?
If the weather forecast looks very nice for this coming weekend. Do you have any plans? O

Elevator speech
An elevator speech is a two-minute description of your skills and career goals. 

Network Phrases
networking is about building professional relationships and can help you to learn about jobs that are not advertised online or in newspapers.
Networking is not a quick turnaround strategy. 
professional network.

working around a difficulty
Job openings and career goals. 

high turnover rates mean workers often move from job to job.
finishing touches 
make a great first impression.

you’re the best fit.  (a great fit)
you're not tongue tied 

appropriate phrases
direct and demanding
people are not very responsive
If you sound demanding or if your tone is “off” in some way, this will be a serious deterrent.

internships and co-ops. Co-op is short for Cooperative Education and is an academic program meant to complement the student's education, according to the Cooperative Education & Internship Association. 

Internships are often short-term positions with a company or organization while a co-op is meant to be longer term. They both let students test their knowledge and abilities in the real world and help them consider if the work or company is a good fit for them.
we're going to look at some more do's and don'ts of an interview.

Well where do you see yourself in three years? >> What's that? >> In the future, where do you see yourself in three years?

many of us change jobs and careers throughout our working lives.

Please remember the importance of preparing an up to date professional looking resume and cover letter. Making a good first impression with an employer is vital.

early adopter
Beef up your Facebook profile by adding work history, interests and skills.
Is it clear, engaging, humorous, appropriate or at least grammatically correct?

collateral  抵押物
market research, survey design, and how to evaluate results.
  • feature is a noticeable or important part.
  • function is how something works.

Let’s take shoes as an example, the size of the shoe and the amount of foot or leg that the shoe covers are example of features. Functions would be to protect the bottom of the foot, or keep it warm.

the grocery store, the market, the farm stand
different demographic profiles. niches markete, past and current experience, and future needs.

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