Saturday, April 24, 2021

WEST-E 051, ELL, C1 Linguistics, Vocabulary

ELL: English Language Learners

Noam Chomsky, sometimes called "the father of modern linguistics, 
whose transformational grammar revolutionized the study of language by turning the focus away from semiotics and meaning, towards the system of rules that dictate proper sentence construction 

ELPA21: English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century

Test Prep and Practice Test Questions for the Washington Education Skills Test ELL (051) Exam

Book - 2016, 
371.120979 WES

Chapter 1 Linguistics
  • Theory
  • Linguistics and Culture
  • Grammar and Parts of Speech

Chapter 2 Language Learning and Acquisition
  • Theoretical Models of Second Language Learning and Acquisition
  • First-Language Considerations
  • Stages of Second-Language Acquisition
  • Student Motivation in Second-Language Learning
  • Language Modeling, Comprehensible Input, and Scaffolding
  • Literacy

Chapter 3 Instruction
  • Instructional Theory
  • Program Models
  • Teaching Techniques
  • Materials
  • Classroom Management

Chapter 4 Assessment
  • Tests and Standards
  • Appropriate Use of Tests
  • Interpreting and Applying Assessment Results

Chapter 5 Cultural Aspects
  • Cultural Understanding
  • Cultural Aspects That Affect Second-Language Acquisition
  • English-Language Learners, and Teaching
  • Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity, and Inclusion

Chapter 6 Professional Aspects
  • Legal and Ethical Issues
  • Role of the ESL Teacher
  • Professional Development


realia: objects and material from everyday life, especially when used as teaching aids.

Fossilization: refers to the point in second-language acquisition in which a learner's growth freeze in place and further linguistic development becomes highly unlikely. 

BICS: Basic interpersonal communication skills

CALP: Cognitive academic language proficiency

literal items refer directly back to the content of reading materials where the answer is defined word by word.

Inferential items, require the test taker to read between the lines in order to determine what an author is implying

phonemic awareness
morpheme [ˈmɔrˌfim]: 词素;语素the smallest unit of meaning that a word can be divided into
semiotics [ˌsemiˈɑtɪks] 符号学the study of signs and symbols and of their meaning and use
phoneme  [ˈfoʊˌnim] n.音位
grapheme [ˈɡræfim] 书写单位(语言书写系统的最小有意义单位)the smallest unit that has meaning in a writing system
phonics 语音教学法;拼读法 a method of teaching people to read based on the sounds that letters represent

Cognate: (词或语言)同源的,同族的,同语系的 having the same origin as another word or language

diphthong  二合元音;复元音;双元音;  combination of two vowel sounds or vowel letters

epenthesis  [ep'enθɪsɪs] 插入音

elision 省音 the act of leaving out the sound of part of a word when you are pronouncing it

labial  唇音的  a speech sound made with the lips, for example, pea and very

metathesis 易位(作用);

connotation 隐含意义an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning

denotation 外延the act of naming sth with a word; the actual object or idea to which the word refers

conjugation  【语】动词的变化

appositive 同位的

orthography   (文字的)拼写体系,正字法   the system of spelling in a language

Chapter 1 Linguistics

  • Theory
  • Linguistics and Culture
  • Grammar and Parts of Speech

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